Issue 5 - Quality

01 Oct 2004 Issue 5 Resource

Investing in quality - investing in people

Bulletin Articles

01 Oct 2004

Investing in people

Illustration for Investing in people

01 Oct 2004

A total quality lifecycle

What does this mean in practice?

01 Oct 2004

Alert 5 - Quality

Video for Alert 5 - Quality

09 Sep 2013

Building the company culture

Creating a good company culture goes beyond compliance with regulations. It goes well beyond looking for the last dollar in profits. It requires a company vision of keeping the goals of each individual at a higher priority than the sole pursuit of profits.

11 Sep 2013

Quality, Safety and Security - trust and mistrust

Legislation must have a structured way of creeping up into the human body, mind and soul. If not, it leaves behind scars caused by the implementation process. Even though it is intended towards sustainable development of the human being and our environment, it also seems to cause stress & conflict.

12 Sep 2013

Investing in people

​​​​​​​Quality is often defined in the context of the relationship between the customer and the supplier; it is a measurement of how a product or service meets, or exceeds, a customer’s expectations. But, the quality of management in ship operations impacts on the way in which the master and his crew conduct their business.
