Fort Victoria - September 2004

10 Sep 2004 Resource

On-load release mechanism operated at an unsafe distance above the water during test drill.

Although the lifeboat crew conducted a safety briefing, the surveyor was distracted by several mobile telephone calls relating to the fatal accident. With the briefing completed and the boat ready for launching, the surveyor joined the six crew members on board the lifeboat. When everyone was seated and strapped in the lifeboat, the engine was started and the lifeboat was lowered away. When the lifeboat had been lowered most of the way to the water, the surveyor was asked if the lifeboat’s position above the water was correct for the on-load test. Although unwilling to take charge of the exercise, the surveyor briefly looked out of the lifeboat and told the crew to lower it further.
After the lifeboat had been lowered a further distance, the on-load release gear was operated without another check being made on the boat’s distance above the water. This resulted in the boat freefalling a distance of about 1.2m, before striking the water.

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Fort Victoria - Sept 2004