What is The Navigator?

The Navigator is a free publication from The Nautical Institute promoting safety and professionalism at sea. Each issue covers one key topic in a lively and engaging way.
It is published three times a year and is available in hard and soft copy.

Is it free?

Yes, and it always will be.

Who is it for?

Watchkeeping officers, those who support them, cadets and anyone who is interested in best practice at sea.


Who publishes it?

The Nautical Institute

What formats can I read it in?

You can read The Navigator:

  • In hard copy
  • Online as a digital magazine: 
  • Download as a PDF
  • Android/ IOS/ Kindle Fire app 

How often is it published?

Three times a year in February, June and October.

Can I order copies on behalf of my organisation?

Yes. You can order paper copies to distribute to your colleagues, your fleet, ships that you visit, within your college etc.

To become a distributor, email [email protected]

How do I subscribe?

To find out when a new issue of The Navigator is avaliable, plus monthly updates on The Nautical Institute's projects and events, sign up to our monthly e-newsletter.  

How can I contribute?

Each issue links to a discussion forum on key topics. This can be found on The Nautical Institute's LinkedIn discussion group.

Or you can email us at [email protected]