Mentoring at Sea, Second Edition

Price for non-members: £74.00
Price for members: £37.00

Code: 0415
ISBN: 978 1 915488 42 8
Release year: 2024
Weight: 285 grams

Mentoring at Sea: The 10-minute challenge goes on, Second Edition

In this updated and expanded guide to mentoring at sea, Captain LeGoubin explains how knowledge gained through experience and reflected upon can be passed on in an informal but transformational way.

About Mentoring At Sea, Second Edition


Anyone can become a mentor – and be mentored by someone else. The art of mentoring has always played a large part of life at sea. Having the ability and motivation to informally pass on skills and knowledge to other people can enhance lives, further careers and help secure the safety and cohesion of the entire team.

In this updated and expanded guide to mentoring at sea, Captain LeGoubin explains how knowledge gained through experience and reflected upon can be passed on in an informal but transformational way.

This new edition explores topics such as:

  • The 10-minute challenge and why it is needed now more than ever
  • Breaking down barriers to mentoring
  • Developing a culture of mentoring
  • The impact of mentoring for mentor and mentee

Table of Contents:



Foreword by Captain James Foong MBA FNI AFRIN

Foreword by Bridget Hogan Hon FNI



Chapter 1: The basics of mentoring

Chapter 2: The value and importance of mentoring

Chapter 3: The need for onboard mentors

Chapter 4: Reflection for seafarers

Chapter 5: The10-minute challenge

Chapter 6: Barriers to mentoring

Chapter 7: Breaking down the barriers

Chapter 8: Experiential knowledge through mentoring

Chapter 9: Shore support for onboard mentoring

Chapter 10: Reverse (upward) mentoring

Chapter 11: When not to be a mentor

Chapter 12: Developing a culture of mentoring

About the author

About the Author

Captain André L LeGoubin MNM MA FNI

André is employed as a mooring master in the lightering trade, undertaking underway ship-to-ship transfers of oil in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Brazil and Uruguay. He decided to return to sea in 2012 after more than eight years ashore working as a marine consultant in Houston, Texas. As a consultant, André was involved in numerous marine casualty investigations, including salvage cases, groundings, heavy weather damage, unsafe port, tanker cargo contamination and dry cargo damage.

He continues in the consultancy role today, having established his own company in 2013, DNA Marine USA LLC ( to provide expert witness and consultancy services based on more than 40 years of experience in the maritime industry. André and his family emigrated from the UK to the USA in January 2004, leaving the London Pilotage Service, where he was a first class marine pilot. This gave him a wide experience of handling and berthing a huge variety of vessels operated by all nationalities of seafarers.

Before becoming a pilot, André was Master of high-speed ferries (initially hydrofoils, then mono- and multi-hull ro-ro/passenger vessels, including new builds), operating with a variety of propulsion units. During this time, he trained to become one of the first instructors in human behaviour and crisis management.

André’s seagoing career began with Cunard Shipping Services Ltd, for which he served as deck officer in various ranks, gaining experience of a wide variety of vessels, including reefers, tankers (both VLCC and product) and later on one of the world’s largest ro-ro/container vessels on the North Atlantic trade.

He holds a current Class 1 Master Mariner (Unlimited) certificate, which he achieved with a pass with distinction in 2009. André also gained an MA degree in Work Based Learning Studies (Marine Accident Investigation) from Middlesex University, London, in 2009. He was elected a Fellow of The Nautical Institute in 2009 and awarded the British Merchant Navy Medal in 2013. He served as president of The Nautical Institute between 2022 and 2024. André and his wife live in Florida. Their three adult children and one grandchild are happily, settled in various parts of the USA.


Mentoring at Sea - Meet the author

Head of Publications and Information at The Nautical Institute, Steven Gosling MSc AFNI has a lively discussion with Captain Andre LeGoubin MNM MA FNI author of the book and Katharine Johns MNI, Navigation officer at the Canadian Coast Guard about the importance of mentoring at sea.

Speaking from his personal experience, André shares the lessons he has learned about how and why we need to break down barriers to share knowledge. And Katharine, gives the perspective of the younger generation while they both talk about the 10-minute challenge and how it can help support and create a culture of mentoring.

Filmed: 2nd October 2024