Enclosed Spaces – management and training

15 Dec 2014 Bulletin: Issue 37 - Survivability Resource

The safety of persons entering and working in enclosed spaces at sea is always of critical importance; it therefore follows that any new concepts relating to the subject merit discussion. Two such new concepts, relating to training and management have been developed.

The safety of persons entering and working in enclosed spaces at sea is always of critical importance; it therefore follows that any new concepts relating to the subject merit discussion. Two such new concepts, relating to training and management have been developed.

The Enclosed Space Management (ESM) System

The methods for coping with enclosed spaces on ships and installations are in many cases based around a risk assessments ranging from one created for every space to just one generic risk assessment created regardless of the space.

It is very rare that any assessments exist, which give consideration to design problems or particular areas of concern relating to the degree of difficulty to enter and work in that space. It would seem that in the majority of cases, intimate knowledge of individual spaces rests with that gained experientially by those on board and when they leave, that knowledge goes with them.

The ESM System is designed to:

  • Offer protection to all
  • Provide knowledge for the initial entry of all enclosed spaces regardless of their type
  • Contain all relevant information
  • Deal with the responsibility issues
  • Cope with a disparity of ships and installations

Although comprehensive in design it is simple to implement having downloadable audit sheets with Hints and Tips for support. The audit itself covers an assessment of Entry Points, the Space (internally) and Rescue Requirements.

On completion of the physical audit, the information is uploaded into the ESM System which automatically categorises the space by colour (Green, Amber, Red) based on the degree of difficulty to get into, operate inside and effect a rescue from that space. Provision is also made for uploading current procedural documentation i.e. risk assessments, action plans, permits and rescue plans, as well as photographs, relevant ships drawings and specific notes, making each individual enclosed space record a living document and compliant with the latest SOLAS enclosed space recommendations.

Having this high degree of simplicity and flexibility, the ESM System caters for all personnel either on-board, in the company office or contractors ashore who need to enter enclosed spaces, by providing them with accurate up to date information at the click of a button.

Gaming Technology

Employing gaming technology can bridge the gap between knowledge and practical application of processes and procedures with the aim of creating a pressurised environment where the user makes a series of critical decisions using their existing knowledge to successfully complete a task.

Expected learning outcomes include an understanding of:

  • Company written procedures 
  • Equipment selection
  • Correct entry procedures
  • Emergency procedures

Relying upon previous training and knowledge, users are tasked with carrying out an urgent repair job in an enclosed space and are expected to conduct all necessary safety checks and preparations before moving into the space in addition to operating safely whilst working within the space.

As with all gaming technology the user points and clicks to make selections with critical decision making employed throughout the game resulting in realistic outcomes on the safety of the user.

This novel and realistic training concept allows the user to control all aspects of enclosed space entry and experience the results of their own decision making process whilst in the safety of a controlled environment.

A more comprehensive paper on the ESM System can be downloaded here