202026 Finger crushed

29 Apr 2020 MARS

Two crew were tasked to secure the hose handling crane jib in its cradle support. One crew operated the crane while the other signalled. As the crane jib was lowered, the signaller attempted to manually align the wooden block over the jib cradle support. He held the block and signalled to the operator to lower the jib. He did not notice that his own finger was positioned under the block. When the jib was lowered into position, his fingertip was crushed between the crane jib and the wooden block Immediate first aid was given and once in port he visited a shore doctor for further treatment.

Lessons learned

  • Crane operations are inherently risky. Excellent communications and situational awareness are essential for everyone involved.
  • Crane operations need a dedicated crane operator and a dedicated signaller. If other manoeuvres are needed, a third person should be employed.